Posted by Zombie69 on 2010-01-13 18:00:27
"SO I quess over time the RNG will give you the normal curve of rolls."
Not necessarily. Here are the results for my wood elves (expected results in parentheses):
Total : 232
Normal : 187 = 80.6% (72.2%)
Double : 22 = 9.5% (13.9%)
MA : 4 = 1.7% (5.6%)
ST : 1 = 0.4% (2.8%)
AG : 18 = 7.8% (5.6%)
As you can see, AG is above average, but everything else is way below average, and my team has been getting way too many normal skills.
On top of that, the only +ST came on a dauntless catcher!
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2010-01-13 21:55:14
Zombie, your team has been getting average rolls.
Posted by Zombie69 on 2010-01-13 23:48:56
That's not average. All you have to do is compare the percentages with their average counterparts in parentheses to see that they're indeed quite below average.
PainState got average numbers, not us!
Posted by AoP-Vimes on 2010-01-14 07:13:37
Here for the aging stats:
SPPs Title SP Rolls Ageing Probability Cumulated
0-5 Rookie None None None None
6-15 Experienced One 3+ 97.2% 97.2%
16-30 Veteran Two 4+ 91.7% 89.1%
31-50 Emerging Star Three 5+ 83.3% 74.3%
51-75 Star Player Four 6+ 72.2% 53.6%
76-125 Super-Star Five 7+ 58.3% 31.3%
126-175 Mega-Star Six 8+ 41.7% 13.0%
176+ Legend Seven 9+ 27.8% 3.6%
Mebbe you can track em down ;) harhar
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2010-01-14 21:16:12
Zombie, you're normal rolls are above average.
See what I'm saying?