Posted by fangbanger on 2013-08-26 17:04:40
is it just me or does that seem broken?
I mean really you can't make that kinda of money in a match, so how could you possible incure that much in expenses, and just looking at it like that, it seems pretty dumb?
Posted by PainState on 2013-08-26 17:26:57
What I find interesting about the SE dynamic is this.
Only elves can really get to the 2650+ TV range under CRP. But at that point they are incuring a -70k SE deficit.
But elves have the most expensive rosters so they can never build up a treasury in the millions to maintain a roster at such a lofty realm of TV
on the other hand some rosters like the undead and nurgle could build up a treasury into the millions but never reach such lofty levels of TV thus rendering SE basically pointless against them.
Now of course this hinges on the idea that SE is intended to prevent teams from reaching such lofty realms to start out with. I would contend it is a very nasty game mechanic that does it job very well once you hit the 2300+ TV range.
But never forget the SE chart is basically a mirror of the old LRB4 winnings chart. The issue though is now SE does not hinge on FF. It is static were as the old LRB4 chart if you had 2 teams with huge FF you could get around the winnings chart.
Posted by PainState on 2013-08-26 18:56:12
Lets not forget a very big point of FF and the Winnings chart under LRB4.
FF was the key under that chart.
How did you earn a FF outside the noraml means under LRB4?
Play SMACKS!!!! winner of the Smack got +1FF.
So how did you earn 30+ FF? check out those teams and then look at their coaches profile and you see he won 29 SMACKS back in the day.
Posted by Garion on 2013-08-26 19:00:14
not true really. I had a fling team with a FF of around 24 iirc.
You could get your FF up through normal means without playing in smacks.
Posted by PainState on 2013-08-26 19:51:10
That is true Garion...But we also had a large number of teams in the 28-35 range of FF. Those were the ones who broke the winnings chart. And they did that by playing in SMACKS.
Posted by pythrr on 2013-08-27 00:01:24
Yes, se was not designed well, especially for leagues like fumbbl