The Amazons are nearing completion now, I have finished the catchers and the Blitzers and Wizard are partly painted.
I am working on a special idea for Zara that I think will make good use of the display base as well.
The Catchers are my favourite conversions and don't think anyone will be mistaking them for another position.
I have made more progress with the Chaos Pact as well and have ordered the last of the bits I need for the marauders so am just waiting on the arms to arrive for them.
They still need to have some chaotic icons added in greenstuff before being ready to paint.
The Dark Elf, Goblin and Skaven will be 2nd edition models as all those look great and will match the look I am going for with the marauders. The troll will be the one done by Neomonics and the Minotaur will be use the one from Avatars of War converted to BB.
I have something special planned for the Ogre and he will be a giant mutated Ogre Chaos/Warrior using bits from the Inquisitor range, plastic minotaur, chaos dreadnought, metal ogre and a lot of greenstuff.
Sadly I won't have time to do a goblin team justice by the GT so I am going to have to change my plans and use the Khemri team I am working on. Luckily I have almost all the bits I need for them.
Since I have 5 of the Necron Lychguard bodies I am debating if I should make one of them extra fancy and use him as Ramtut. I have the excellent GW model but he will look a little stumpy next to these guys.
The Blitz-ras have been fully glued up and modelled in more dynamic poses since they are the action guys of the team.
I'm still debating whether to leave the linemen with the smaller shoulder pads like these guys.
Or give them shoulder pads like the Blitz-ras. On the one hand it does help differentiate them as they look like they have less armour. But I do like how those shoulder pads combined with the Necron Torso look liek US style Football armour rather than a Tomb King warrior who has dropped his weapons.
For the Thro-ra I have got
this guy, still not sure what to do with the other Thro-ra.
For colour scheme I quite like the one used on the
Sepulchral Stalkers, deep red, with some black gold details and I am contemplating giving the Tomb Guardians black bone and possibly the whole team.