Having recently completed the Black Orcs for the NAFC I had just 4 teams still to do; Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Snotlings and Vampires.
The Khorne team is pretty new and GW have done a good job of matching Forgeworld booster packs, gig guys and stars for the plastic teams they bring out now. I already had all these and a lot of AoS khorne models that I had initially planned on making into a Norse team that could be used in conversions.
Bloodborn marauders
The plastics come with alternative heads and the Foreworld pack adds 2 female models, this alone would be enough variety, but I still wanted a bit more. Chaos teams lend themselves more to individuality than any other.
The first batch of marauders used 3 standard models and the last model on the right was a simple arm and torso swap. I had some bits left over thanks to the other conversions in the team. For the 2nd batch I used the 2 female marauders with no changes. I had bought the 40K jakhals, who had a good mix of models, sadly they were a little smaller than the BB range. The other 2 models are from Garrek’s Reaves from the Underworld’s range. They just needed a few extra details like head, arm or the backplate added to match the rest of the team. I really liked how the bases of these models looked, dry, cracked earth with lots of skulls and bones. So made moulds of these and the other bases from Garrek’s Reavers and added these to all the bases of the rest of the team.
The Khorngors should have been easy as again they have 2 possible heads and the booster pack had 2 unique models. Sadly the body of one of these was missing, either it didn’t come with the pack or I’d lost it somehow. However, they say necessity is the mother of invention and I do have a ridiculous number of spare bits. One plastic and one resign Khorngor were standard, another used the plastic body with the resin arms and head I did have from the 2nd Foreworld model.
That just left the final model to build, a while back I’d ordered a load of plastic bits from some mutated chaos models, these included a pair of beastman like legs I could use. I then added a torso from a Khorne hero, the other plastic Khorngor head, arms from 40K Wulfen, shoulder pads from Juggernaut riders and spare hands from the marauders. I’m not sure if Khorngors or Bloodseekers are the “brains” of the team, but he’s certainly one option to be team captain, or at leat primary ball carrier.
The standard plastic models are really nice, but far too similar, I did 2 of the Bloodseekers like that and converted the others. A long time ago I’d had the idea of doing a Khorne themed Chaos Chosen team, maybe with Khorngors or Bloodletters to be used as the Khorne Daemons team from Cyanide’s BB2. For this I’d bought the Juggernaut boxed set and so had some nice parts to mix in for converting the other 2 players. This involved adding in different heads, torsos, arms or shoulder pads to give them a little more variety. One of the Bloodseekers is helmetless and carrying 2 severed heads as a rival for the team captain role.
Big guys and stars
The Bloodspawn was just the standard FW model as he didn’t need any changes.
I always like to add a few stars that best exemplify the team. Scylla would be one of these, but I’d done my own conversion of his using the classic WHFB model and didn’t really want to repeat myself so soon. I’d done Max and Borak before, using the classic 2nd and 3rd edition models for them, but that was a long time ago.
Akhorne was a newer addition and was a bit on the small side if using the GW models. It’s common to add a plie of skulls or use the fling model standing on a head to add some height. I went for everyone’s favourite sight, a dead dwarf instead.
As I was working on this team we found out Gnashrak is getting a cool new model, so I might swap him in for Borak since he is Khorne specific whilst Borak is undivided and could be used for a Chosen or Renegades team I have ideas for.
Colour Scheme
The last thing to consider was what colours to paint the team. Khorne has a very well know set of colours; red, black and bronze. I wanted to avoid them looking like every other Khorne team, but still be in keeping with their bloodthirsty theme. A Jakhal with a leftover marauder shoulder pad made a good test model to experiment with schemes on. The slight difficulty is that the marauders and Khorngors have a lot of bare flesh, whilst the Bloodseekers are mostly armoured.
I’ve seen bone or white used to good effect on Khorne armies, plenty of blood spattered across the white areas really stands out and I personally like the pre-heresy Worldeater scheme more. I decided to go with bone for the armour, black for the clothing and silver for the metal parts. There would still be some small red areas like the edges of armour, loin cloths and masks.
Below is a pretty quick paint job showing the test scheme, the armour needs some battle damage and I need to look up tutorials on the best way to do blood splatter without it overloading the bone underneath.