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Last seen 9 days ago
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2024-05-03 20:40:12
rating 5.9


2023-11-27 19:26:52
rating 5.9
2023-06-05 19:13:47
rating 6
2023-04-22 19:05:24
rating 6
2023-03-08 19:00:48
rating 6



2021-12-09 19:11:49
rating 5.9
2021-10-20 20:59:32
rating 6
2021-08-11 19:24:31
rating 6
2021-05-16 17:27:59
rating 5.9
2021-01-15 19:49:15
rating 6


2020-12-05 21:05:50
rating 6
2020-07-22 21:41:27
rating 6
2020-05-28 21:12:16
rating 5.9
2020-04-18 21:07:31
rating 5.9
2020-01-24 20:15:22
rating 5.9


2019-12-05 23:30:47
rating 5.9
2019-09-29 21:30:07
rating 6
2019-09-11 21:06:01
rating 6
2019-06-20 19:23:49
rating 6
2019-06-18 23:45:45
rating 6
2019-04-14 13:39:49
rating 5.9
2019-01-14 22:48:14
rating 6



2017-12-29 21:22:36
rating 6
2017-12-05 23:55:21
rating 6
2017-09-23 13:55:35
rating 5.9
2017-08-02 23:24:34
rating 5.7
2017-07-23 16:15:11
rating 5.7
2017-05-11 21:43:21
rating 6
2017-04-25 23:40:02
rating 6
2017-03-29 22:16:44
rating 6
2017-02-26 14:01:23
rating 6
2017-01-30 20:12:48
rating 6
2017-01-11 00:22:56
rating 5.8


2016-12-12 21:06:51
rating 5.4
2016-11-26 23:27:59
rating 5.8
2016-11-06 22:28:50
rating 5.7
2016-10-03 21:01:33
rating 6
2016-08-29 14:02:42
rating 6
2016-08-21 21:28:50
rating 5.8
2016-08-07 16:44:54
rating 5.6
2016-08-02 20:37:36
rating 5.5
2016-07-31 00:12:40
rating 5.8
2016-07-10 13:53:14
rating 6
2016-04-21 20:09:20
rating 5.5
2016-03-26 17:46:00
rating 5.6
2016-03-17 00:13:34
rating 5.9
2016-02-09 22:46:07
rating 5.5
2016-02-01 19:40:42
rating 5.4
2016-01-11 00:34:02
rating 5.7


2015-12-06 15:41:32
rating 5.2
2015-11-27 22:38:25
rating 5.6
2015-10-31 16:02:08
rating 5.9
2015-10-03 14:54:04
rating 5.6
2015-07-27 22:22:01
rating 5.4
2015-05-21 19:52:01
rating 5.7
2015-04-30 18:57:49
rating 6
2015-03-31 23:15:36
rating 5.9
2015-01-27 23:29:57
rating 6


2014-12-15 18:55:30
rating 6
2014-11-19 22:59:24
rating 5.7
2014-10-30 00:35:27
rating 5.8
2014-09-30 23:10:21
rating 6
2014-08-20 22:31:54
rating 6
2014-07-18 18:49:55
rating 5.9
2014-06-21 20:07:13
rating 5.9
2014-05-09 23:35:25
rating 5.9
2014-04-11 13:07:36
rating 6
2014-03-23 14:44:15
rating 5.9
2014-02-27 22:07:37
rating 6
2014-01-29 23:38:11
rating 6


2013-12-15 22:41:54
rating 6
2013-09-25 23:27:36
rating 6
2013-07-18 23:18:20
rating 5.9
2013-06-22 16:02:45
rating 5.6
2013-05-21 00:55:18
rating 5.5
2013-05-04 19:03:03
rating 5.7
2013-04-17 00:26:48
rating 5.8
2013-03-23 00:02:06
rating 5.9
2013-02-24 20:25:14
rating 5.9
2013-01-20 20:34:26
rating 5.8


2012-12-09 22:00:22
rating 6
2012-11-12 22:13:30
rating 5.9
2012-10-28 20:56:57
rating 5.9
2012-09-19 16:49:47
rating 5.9
2012-09-02 13:55:15
rating 5.8
2012-08-21 22:30:22
rating 5.4
2012-08-09 23:35:00
rating 5.7
2012-07-03 00:29:46
rating 5.9
2012-06-10 23:47:36
rating 5.8
2012-05-18 23:58:18
rating 6
2012-05-06 02:11:36
rating 5.9
2012-04-21 16:16:22
rating 6
2012-03-23 19:10:38
rating 5.9
2012-02-07 23:38:29
rating 5.3
2012-01-17 23:51:58
rating 5.7


2011-12-28 00:30:52
rating 5.6
2011-12-21 14:21:28
rating 5.6
2011-10-20 23:56:44
rating 5.1
2011-09-18 21:57:07
rating 5.7
2011-08-19 23:22:41
rating 5.5
2011-07-31 14:04:52
rating 5.7
2011-07-19 19:55:48
rating 5.7
2011-07-05 01:34:03
rating 5.8
2011-05-21 00:41:10
rating 5.3
2011-05-11 00:10:59
rating 5.6
2011-05-11 00:01:23
rating 5.3


2010-05-16 22:56:13
rating 5.8
2010-02-16 21:13:31
rating 5.8


2009-11-03 09:35:54
rating 5.5
2009-06-06 21:46:19
rating 5.6
2009-03-08 14:10:40
rating 5.1


2008-12-03 20:39:12
rating 5.4
2008-07-20 19:03:56
rating 5.5
2008-05-24 14:27:20
rating 5.4
2008-03-30 23:32:42
rating 5.6
2008-01-01 16:35:50
rating 5.3


2007-12-30 19:42:44
rating 5.5
2007-12-16 19:30:42
rating 5.2
2007-10-22 14:51:45
rating 4.2
2007-10-12 14:37:42
rating 4.7
2007-10-03 16:20:10
rating 3.9
2007-08-01 14:04:18
rating 4.7
2007-07-30 16:02:58
rating 3
2014-05-09 23:35:25
22 votes, rating 5.9
Goblin Painting Blog part 2
With the High Elves completed I have been flying through painting the circus goblins. Since they are quite small models and don’t have a lot of armour they are relatively straight forward to paint.

I kept to a very rough uniform with blue trousers and armour, red jackets and black shoes with some yellow and white bits here and there. This helps tie them together as a team but still allows an appropriate amount of chaotic individuality as well.

The cannon firer, 2 headed goblin and unicyclists very much fit in with the goblins I’ve already completed. The unicycles were both a bit wobbly, which whilst appropriate did not give me much confidence they’d survive long when actually used in games. To fix that I drilled and pinned them to their bases for extra strength.

For the next batch the magician was a move away from the standard team colours with the amount of black he wears, to balance that out I gave him blue trousers and a red cummerbund and ribbon on his hat along and some of the clowns had white gloves too.

The last batch from the normal team was the rest of the secret weapons in the shape of the gobbo on stilts as pogoer, goblin cannonball as bomber (hoping for doubles to get HMP) and squig as fanatic. I gave the squig clown face paint to match him with the rest of the team.

The coaching staff were pretty straight forward, following the rest of the team colours. It was only the apoth who really diverged as I went for light blue scrubs for him. Goblins not being known for their hygiene he is of course covered in blood and viscera.

That still leaves the 2 trolls and 4 goblin stars. The trolls are well underway with the base coat and shading done and I hope to finish them by the middle of May. I really like the GW goblins stars and them being a different style from the rest of the team is fine since they are extra special versions of the 4 secret weapons. However I did want them to still fit in with the rest of the team so did a little converting to make them into clowns.

With the jester top to his pogo stick Scrappa needed the least work, the simple addition of a red nose was the only change to him.

Nobbla’s left hand had been used in another conversion, it would have been simple enough to replace it but I decided the only thing better than a chainsaw wielding looney was a double chainsaw wielder! To keep with the clown theme i carved off his goggles and added a bobble to the top of his helmet and a furry edge.

For Bomber I trimmed back his pirate hat and cut the front off the bomb. I then sculpted a big clown wig onto the top of his head and turned his bomb into a custard pie. I’ll paint his spare bombs bright colours so they look like juggling balls, a red nose completes the conversion.

Fungus also got a red nose, but in addition I chopped off the ball and routed out his chain to exchange them for a rope with balloons on the end.

Like the rest of the team they will be in bright primary colours and have clown makeup. I may mix things up a little with more gold or intricate patterns to further differentiate them from the normal weapons.

GW has released some new Imperial Guard models that I think have a lot of potential for making a human team and I got myself some of them as an Easter treat. I’ve made a potential human lineman from the Tempests Scions, he looks a little bit too high tech at the moment, so I am thinking of swapping his arms or using different shoulder pads. I like that the helmet looks a lot like an old fashioned football helmet, all it needs is the addition of a chin strap.

The new Ogryns would match that team well, i have cobbled together a light and heavy armoured version. I don’t think the face mask works so would probably use the bare heads even with the chest plate and shoulder pads.

Another possibility with the legs is to combine them with the dragon ogres torsos I already have to make an ogre team. They are one of my outstanding teams still to complete, the GT High Elves were my 24th team but with a few duplicates in there I have 4 races still outstanding once the goblins are done. The legs are a bit on the stumpy side and to fix that I have extended them. I cut above and below the knee and will fill the gaps with modelling putty and maybe add knee pads as well. I messed up his right knee by cutting through it instead of above and add knee pads will help hide that.

I already have enough bits to make 3 ogres and should be able to get just the bits I need to make the other 3 which will save me having to buy them new (£35 for 3 dragon ogres and £30 for 3 Ogryns makes for an expensive team). I will try and sell off the guns and dragon bits as well to recoup a bit of the cost. The good thing about GW plastics is that they have lots of conversion potential. Not only do I get plenty of spare arms but they are easy to reposition to add more variance to the poses.

What to do for snotlings is proving to be tricky, there have been several versions for fantasy, 40K and Bloodbowl over the years so they are a possibility if not very original. I’ll also look for alternative snotlings from some of the indie suppliers but don’t remember seeing any that really jumped out at me. The best solution may be to get a bunch of cheap random fantasy snotlings and Bloodbowl them up.

The other factor would be stars, I’ve already done the goblins but it would be nice to add Bertha, Brick and Grotty and Morg since they are all on my outstanding stars list too.

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Posted by Garion on 2014-05-09 23:39:10
Ooooh liking the Bane ogre
Posted by Topper on 2014-05-09 23:48:47
Yeh the Ogre based on the Dragon Ogres are truly a cool figure. Will make an impressive team I recon.
The Goblins are funny and weird as they should be - another one-of-a-kind team :)
Posted by radge on 2014-05-10 15:35:46
Amazing work!
Posted by Badoek on 2014-05-10 15:48:30
Great theme! Balloon & chain hehe
Posted by xnoelx on 2014-05-10 16:54:41
Those versions of the stars are great, and yes, Fungus (or should he be renamed Fungi? Y'know, cuz he's a clown. A fun guy... Ah, never mind) is my favourite too. I'm usually pretty good with bits, but I can't place Scrappa's 2nd chainsaw. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Posted by xnoelx on 2014-05-11 04:02:17
Of course I meant Nobbla's 2nd chainsaw...
Posted by spubbbba on 2014-05-11 14:01:56
The other saw is from the Willy miniatures chainsaw. I got their star players free after signing up to the fling kickstarter.