First I’d like start with a little advert, a while back I decided to write a series of articles about painting and converting. I posted a draft painting article in my blog back in 2014 and a converting article last year. Sann0638 offered to give me access to the NAF site so I could put it on there and I have finally got the last of my tinkering done and completed it. For those who read my blog post it is very similar, but there have been some tweaks to the text and images along with the addition of 1 new pic and some new text.
With GW starting up their own BB tournaments again and insisting of using their minis I thought it might be useful to anyone who wanted to convert their own team. You don’t need to be a member of the NAF to view it (but can join for the bargain price of $10 for 1 year) and it can be found
Back to the Slann, I have completed the catchers as well now.
As stated before, a key consideration is always that the positonals are easy to differentiate but that the players still gel as a team. Since they are only ST2 and AV7 I was keen to ensure they would look weaker and more fragile than the linemen. Their AG4 was already represented by the more dynamic poses.
For low AV7 players the only bits of metal armour they wear is a single shoulder pad and the forearm guards. These got the same yellow edging as the armour the linemen wore, I didn’t add chips to the forearm guards as these were highly patterned so didn’t suit it.
For their skin I used the same base green but added more yellow for the highlights and used lighter brown washes and added a yellow glaze on top of the green. This made their skin a lighter and warmer shade of green whilst still being close to the linemen.
Yellow was the colour associated with catchers and the secondary colour of the team, so as well as the yellow loin cloth I also painted the chest banding yellow rather than making it brown to represent leather.
The combination of the models themselves being slimmer, their lighter armour, position and colouring should make it clear that these are catchers. Whilst them having the same head style and team strip will match them to the linemen.
Even with a full squad of 11 players on the pitch it should be easy to tell the linemen from the catchers as this side by side comparison shows.
I’ve had an idea on how to do the lily pads that is so simple I am embarrassed I didn’t think of it before. The plan was to have 1 large pad in the centre for the logo with the Krox and stars on it and lots of differently sized pads for the rest of the team. My original thinking was to have some larger pads that several models would be in with the rest on individual ones. These individual pads were going to have the base would cut out the centre of the pad, the trouble being that this would look bland on the pitch being simply painted green with no other decoration.
However if I make the base itself a lily pad then it would look better on the pitch and as good on the display base. Below is a very quick mock up using a 2nd base to make the rim, I would need to fill it out with greenstuff for it to look more organic. One thought was to make the rim entirely from greenstuff, but this risks being bashed off when inserting and removing the players from the display base.
As an added advantage I won’t need to cut any players off their bases and risk damaging them using this method. The krox and stars will be on a large central lily pad with the NAF logo. This will probably be a similar style to the lizardmen team I did last year so they will have some of the logo on their bases. The remaining players will have individual pads as their bases and I’d add lots of smaller pads without rims to the display base to make it less uniform.