The team is finished!
The rubbish weather was actually useful and a couple of raininy weekends helped me get them done just in time.
I ended up half sculpting and half carving the Tomb Guardians knees and ankles to look more like bone than the mechanical joints on the necron legs. For the feet and tops of the hands I painted the bones onto the flat surface.
I deliberately made the red and gold on them a little darker as I feel that makes them look more imposing than the skeletons, I also added some more black bits to their loin cloths.
For Ramtut I decided his arms did look too short so chopped his hands off at the wrist and swapped his forearms from those of the Sepulchral Stalkers. I went for a mummified flesh colour on his face and hands to help further differentiate him from the Guardians. He's a little shorter than the guardians but then I do see him as a mummy and maybe short mummy syndrome makes him that much more vicious.
The display base is complete as well. I used the same technique as I did with the Underworld team and think it works well. This time I painted the grass mat brown before highlighting it and then painting the NAF logo in the centre. I kept the guardians at the back as they are so much bigger than the other player and the positionals in the centre. I really wanted the blitza and thro-ras to stand out from the skeltons so aside from the different heads, shoulder pads and loin cloths they have the team number on a different shoulder pad and some of the NAF logo on their bases.
Of course being a big showoff Ramtut had to go centre stage.
Sadly due to work commitments I had to pull out of attending the GT this year so posted the team to PeteW on thursday. I got a text from him today confirming they got to him ok. So hope everyone enjoys the day and the winner likes the team. Let's hope it is another FUMBBLer.