It took me quite a while to settle on a colour scheme for the Slann. With so much of their skin exposed it needed to be something that would match the green. Their armour and clothing was quite varied as was the look of the positional players so I needed a scheme that tied them together, but left scope for some differences between the strip of the linemen, catchers and blitzers.
As this is the NAF GT I did like the idea of basing it on the NAF logo colouring, red, black and white stripes, maybe with stripes. When it came to the test models I liked the red and black but the white edging I added just didn’t work. Instead I went with a golden yellow as this made them look a lot brighter and made up for the lack of metallic parts on most of the models.
The skin tone was an area that was important to get right since it was such a prominent area. When painting up the savage orcs I had found a green paint I really liked from GW (Loren Green) so used that as the base colour. My initial attempts ended up a bit pale and chalky for linemen as the idea was the catchers would be a lighter shade. So the first model got a lot of washes and glazes then re-highlights until I was finally satisfied.
I again went for slightly battered armour as I do like how this turns out. I even went so far as to add chips that crossed over the yellow edging and shoulder pad numbering to illustrate that these were painted on.
Looking back at my earlier teams I have got better at both painting and sculpting over the years. This is something I am proud of but does have its drawbacks as I am now spending even longer on my teams. Filling in the wounds on the plaguebearer bodies and adding the extra armour took up many weeks. Whilst painting skin to level of detail I now demand of my self is very time consuming.
Another disadvantage of this is that I can forget exactly how I went about getting a specific look. I ended having to redo the next 3 linemen I batch painted and could not quite get their skin to look like the original guy. It was only when I remembered to add a yellow glaze that I even got close. This wasn’t too much of an issue as there should be some variety in skin tone amongst slann just like there is for other races. The differences between the linemen and catchers and blitzers will be much more pronounced.
I have also finished the other 4 linemen so that is half the normal team done. This means i am making good progress as the catchers are blitzers are already completed and undercoated. 3.5 months to do them, the krox and stars is pretty good.
One key thing I still need to do is come up with a design for the display base, as it stands I have 3 possibilities.
1. A swampy jungle with NAF logo resembling a ruined temple, much like I did last year. The advantage of this is that is the easiest to do as I won’t have to remove the players from their bases. I can just glue the green flock or paint the resin used as water onto their bases.
2.An astrogranite pitch, possibly with lots of cracked slabs and plants growing through them to represent it being ancient and in a jungle. For this I can either glue plasticard onto the bases or paint them and the cracks onto the base. The former will require I cut the models off their bases and then pin them back on later so is more time consuming. The pic below is one of my favourite teams by Nippy and has a more pristine version of the pitch I would go for.
3.The final idea would be a pitch that is a huge pond with giant lily pads on it. The NAF logo would be on a huge central pad and the rest of the pitch would have numerous other sized pads that could fit 1-3 players on them. This would look great for display, but unless I make the models straddle 2 pads their base will end up plain green. The pic below shows some of these in real life.