Inspired by
Arktoris's Blog entry I'm going to try and complete my [R] Grid.
I've already played with and against every LRB race 10 times getting all the basic picker and player awards in 210 games.
But I will need to play all 21 official teams at least once with each race.
Getting games against the rare teams will be difficult, especially Flings and Gobbos with the Dwarf teams, but the new Pacifist cup should help with that.
Otherwise I'll have to do some horse trading with the WIL mafia (the regulars of the #whiteisle) letting their khemri and dwarf teams butcher my flings and gobbos if they return the favour.
As for the changes I love the extra 10 slots, making up new teams is something I love almost as much as playing. I have some reservations about the new cup, but anything that adds variety and good in my eyes.
I'm gonna start with the 1st 5 races and concentrate on them.
So any brave vampire/halfling/elven/goblin teams out there that are willing to play me, look me up and I'll reserve you a juicy cherry when my fling/gobbo/vamp etc team are looking to fill their grid.