Having finally managed to build the 3 outstanding zombies for the Undead team I was keen to get them done asap. I was going to be moving cities on the 15th of Feb and was keen to get the in the post before I left as it would be one less thing to worry about.
The frog zombie was very quick to do as he was just a case of painting an existing model. I added brown and grey to Loren forest paint for his skin as well as giving him a turquoise to create that unhealthy look. His clothing and armour were painted in the same colours as the rest of the team; blue and grey with silver metallic parts.
The elf was probably my favourite model in the team. I have had an idea to convert an elf team more in the style of 2nd edition that could be used as either pro or high elves. I had suitable, legs, heads and arms but have been having a hard time finding torsos as they are either not the right scale or have a load of extra details I don’t want like backpacks. This model used a bare zombie torso that was skinny enough to be an elf and was in just the right pose.
Being an elf he got slightly paler skin and as I did want him to stand out a little he got blond hair as opposed to dirty brown or grey used on other players. I gave him a grey face mask as it was the closest thing to a helmet.
I’d built this model from a pretty diverse array of parts and a lot of greenstuff. Gorillas already have quite grey skin, so I was careful to add plenty of brown and give him a generous turquoise glaze. Black hair/fur is very difficult to highlight as it is a difficult balancing act between making it appear to be a flat single colour and dark grey hair rather than black. Fortunately the apes are silverbacks so I could go quite grey with him. I painted the exposed muscles on his legs as being quite fresh, suggesting his leg skin had recently been torn off. It also added a bit of contrast from the otherwise cold colouring on the rest of the model.
With a total of 24 players this was one of the larger teams I had done, and it didn’t even include stars of coaching staff. Having 16 different zombies to choose from allows them to represent pretty much any model recruited during a season. Though obviously covering every eventuality would have required dozens of models.
The team is now winging its way to Apojar, and will hopefully be with him very soon.
I’ve been pretty busy the last week unpacking, assembling furniture and generally settling into life in a new city with a new job. I have had some time to work on the skaven team, finishing off Glart, who’d I started work on before the move. I had meant to work on the Rat Ogre, but he still needs some greenstuff work and those tools had been packed away early.
Glart is a simple conversion using the Warlord Queek model commonly used to represent this star. I wanted him to have some originality so filled in the gap where his back banner would be, chopped down the display base and swapped his hands for clawed weapons from the plastic gutter runners. I liked the idea that his claws were weapons as opposed to a mutation.
For painting I decided to keep him in team colours, the model was already suitably impressive being in a dynamic pose. I gave him black fur as that is associated with elite skaven and added more white edging decoration than you’d find on the normal players.
The GT is about 8 weeks away now, although I do need time to wrap up and post the team so more realistically 7. I do consider myself ahead of schedule and the team could be considered finished with 15 normal players and a star, though the bases and numbering hasn’t been completed yet.
However I would like to add the Rat Ogre to bring the normal team up to 16 as many coaches tend not to take stars very often if at all. I also would like to complete Fezglitch and Hakflem as they are on my outstanding list of stars.
If that all gets done then I could do a display base, but I need to decide what kind of surface to give the normal players first. Some of them have been glued to their bases already which does limit my options unless I want risk the paintwork breaking them off.
Finally there are some things like the themed spare balls, tokens and markers you get with the set and these could be painted up as well.