The awful British summer has been good for one thing and I've made loads of progress with this team. It is pretty much done over a month before the actual Star Bowl itself.
I've done 2 of each standard lineman and made 1 blonde and the other brunette as well as a couple of small colour scheme changes to help differentiate them. The other player is one of only 2 conversions on this team. A while back I got a few 2nd edition models really cheap on e-bay as they were missing limbs. The idea was to use them for conversions or to decorate bases.
Since even elves don't need 2 kickers (and the original pose is a bit crap) I used a couple of spare dark eldar wyche legs to turn him into the team fouler. I added a skull as he's about to make absolutely sure that skeleton won't be regenerating.
This is the final catcher, he's a duplicate as well so gets a similar treatment to the linemen with blonde hair. I see throwers as being able to be a tad older since they don't get stuck into the scrum so gave the 2nd one white hair to reflect his experience.
The Blitzers are probably my favourite models in the range, especially the guy on the right, though I like all the models with face masks.
I've done 2 cheerleaders for the team, the 2nd edition one and the one and only 3rd edition model in the team from the pro elf team. I'm not entirely happy with the gal on the right as she does look like a drag queen, but it is hard to tell with elves anyway.
Finally as this is a Star Bowl team I painted up a star player in the shape of Eldril Sidewinder. To make him stand out a little more I reversed the colour scheme and gave him blue leggings with red shoulder pads and belt. He's also got a plastic dark eldar leg as I got him in the e-bay batch too.
The one outstanding task is to give them base numbers, I have 3 ideas and would like suggestions.
1. Paint the numbers on the bases, this is quick and easy but I don't think it would look as good.
2. Paint the numbers on the studs of the shoulder pads, the trouble with this is that the numbers will be very small and may not be that clear on the silver.
3. Paint a white star on each player's hip and then paint the number inside it. I think this would look the best as long as I can get the star the right size. It would be tricky on the blitzers due to their entire leggings being studded.