Well I've got the linemen almost completed now, they just need some final details like numbers, eyes and the bases finished. I've stuck to quite a limited palette to create a unified theme and save time, the positionals will get a bit more attention.
The gold edging has turned out well, and adds some decoration and brightens them up a bit, I'm not certain if the grey skin quite worked out, with such a limited amount of exposed skin on them it's hard to get the right amount of shading, i'll have to see how it looks on the witches, i don't want them looking like they are made of stone.
The blitzers are progressing quite nicely now, they will be getting some small areas of red painted on them to help tie them into the old coloured rings from the 2nd edition. I'm not sure what colour to use for the witches and assasins yet as neither is really a catcher and yellow will clash with their colour scheme a bit.